
The git-piptag executable simply calls the module webcli.cli.git_piptag.

which git-piptag || alias git-piptag="python3 -m webcli.cli.git_piptag"

This program has four modes:


Finds the latest version tag in the git tree.

git piptag [--root|-r]

Get the tag of the HEAD. If you do not propose a tag, it is automatically calculated depending on the latest version tag and the distance with it in the git tree. Using get with a proposed-tag will only have as an effect to parse and normalize your tag.

git piptag [--get|-g] [proposed-tag]

Put the tag of the HEAD in the tree. In the default dry-run mode (-n) it just prints the git command that would be executed. In force mode (-f) the tag is set by calling git tag.

git piptag [--set|-s] [-n|-f] [proposed-tag]

Put a dev0 tag in the tree in the same way as set. The intended meaning is that from this point in the tree you are doing development commits for your next version. If you do not propose a tag (of a stable next version), the next version number is calculated automatically from the current one. This computation is not guaranteed to produce coherent output in some git tree states.

git piptag [--dev|-d] [-n|-f] [proposed-tag]

Workflow Example

λ git init .
λ touch .gitignore
λ git add .gitignore && git commit -m "init"

  * 6e844c9 (HEAD -> master) init

λ git piptag # Default root tag is the lowest possible and not very interesting.

λ touch v1 && git add v1 && git commit -m "release 1"

  * 669e09e (HEAD -> master) release 1
  * 6e844c9 init

λ git piptag v1.0 -n # We would like to release v1.0. Start with a dry run.
git tag -s -m 'Automatic v1.0 Tag by Git Piptag' v1.0

λ git piptag v1.0 -f # We're satisfied. Let's apply this.

  * 669e09e (HEAD -> master, tag: v1.0) release 1
  * 6e844c9 init

λ git piptag -g # What would be the tag of the current commit now?

λ git checkout -b dev
λ touch todo && git add todo && git commit -m "v2 plan"

  * 5b1c624 (HEAD -> dev) v2 plan
  * 669e09e (tag: v1.0, master) release 1
  * 6e844c9 init

λ git piptag -g # Wrongly gives a 'post v1' tag while we're developing v2

λ git piptag -d 2.0 -n # Say that we're developing v2
git tag -s -m 'Automatic v2.0.dev0 Tag by Git Piptag' v2.0.dev0

λ git piptag -d 2.0 -f

  * 5b1c624 (HEAD -> dev, tag: v2.0.dev0) v2 plan
  * 669e09e (tag: v1.0, master) release 1
  * 6e844c9 init

λ touch feature && git add feature && git commit -m "new feature"

  * 70f8129 (HEAD -> dev) new feature
  * 5b1c624 (tag: v2.0.dev0) v2 plan
  * 669e09e (tag: v1.0, master) release 1
  * 6e844c9 init

λ git piptag -g # The tag of the current commit is now more coherent

λ touch v2b && git add v2b && git commit -m "beta release 2"
λ git piptag 2.0b -f # Tell we're releasing a beta

  * 985edf0 (HEAD -> dev, tag: v2.0b0) beta release 2
  * 70f8129 new feature
  * 5b1c624 (tag: v2.0.dev0) v2 plan
  * 669e09e (tag: v1.0, master) release 1
  * 6e844c9 init

λ git checkout master
λ touch fix && git add fix && git commit -m "bugfix"

  * 10710b4 (HEAD -> master) bugfix
  | * 985edf0 (tag: v2.0b0, dev) beta release 2
  | * 70f8129 new feature
  | * 5b1c624 (tag: v2.0.dev0) v2 plan
  * 669e09e (tag: v1.0) release 1
  * 6e844c9 init

λ git piptag -g # The tag is now post-release